Bill Payment via the Internet

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02/93 00 181 - phone number for 24/7 contact with the bank's cardholders
02/93 00 181
phone number for 24/7 contact with the bank's cardholders
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In order to pay your bills via the Internet you need to:

  • Own a Debit Card;
  • Register in the system for electronic bank card payment via the Internet;
  • Register for receiving information on your current liabilities under periodic payments.

With Municipal Bank AD's Debit Card with Local Access and Cirrus/Maestro Debit Card with Domestic and International Access you may pay via the Internet:

  • Water supply, electricity, central heating, telephone, GSM bills;
  • For goods and services to merchants, registered with

Instructions for registration and payment via the Internet

  1. If you already have a Debit Card issued by Municipal Bank AD and would like to pay bills via the Internet, you ought to certify your desire by signing an Annex to the Contract for Issuing and Using a Debit Card. The Bank shall electronically inform BORICA, the national card operator, the latter then allowing you to register individually at an ATM.
  2. Initial ATM registration:
  • Insert your card in the ATM's card reader;
  • From the "Други услуги" (Other Services) menu choose
  • "Регистрация за плащане чрез Интернет" (Internet Payment Registration)
  • Confirm your registration by entering the PIN issued with your Debit Card.

You may cancel your registration at any time, and then again register at an ATM for Internet Payments. This action of yours does not imply the Bank's involvement!

  1. Register as a new user at
  • Go to, choose "РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ" (REGISTRATION) from the main menu, and select "Регистрация на картодържател - физическо лице" (Registration of an individual cardholder);
  • Following the registration you will be emailed a registration code needed for entering into the system;
  • Using the supplied code, username and password, enter the system again, and input the data on the bank card you will use for payments through from "Карти"/"Добавяне" (Cards/Add).

Under no condition enter the PIN issued with your Debit Card!

Registration for periodic payments of a subscription character to merchants providing services via

  • From the "Търговци" (Merchants) menu, "Периодични плащания" (Periodic Payments) option, select the merchant(s) you would like to reimburse and click "Регистрация" (Register);
  • Enter the subscription information required the merchant, e.g. Subscriber's Number.
  • Registration for paying for more than one Subscriber's Number is possible.

You may get information on the amounts you owe at any time at

Cancelling a registration

"Търговци"/"Списък на регистрациите"/"Прекратяване на регистрацията" (Merchants/Registrations/Cancelling).

  1. Bill payment via Bill payments via are carried out within the seven day limit, set for the respective debit card for payment through a POS terminal!
  • From the "Плащания" (Payments) menu select "Периодични сметки" (Periodic Bills). A list of the periodic bills awaiting payment by you will be populated;
  • For making the payment please enter your password again and click on "Потвърждение" (Confirm);
    Once confirmed the payment cannot be contested!
  • You may confirm the payment of all or a selection of bills, and also reject certain payment or all of them by clicking on "Отказване на плащането" (Cancel Payment);
  • After selecting "Потвърждение" (Confirm) the system checks the password just entered, the personal limits and the card limits. If the resulting data allows making the payment, the system shall send a message to BORICA to debit the card account of the card specified by you and credit the merchant's account with the amount quoted;
  • After making the payment BORICA returns an authorization code (number) confirming the payment;
    This authorization code may serve for official inquiries to the system and BORICA as to whether a payment has been carried out!
  • In case BORICA does not register the payment (card frozen, insufficient card balance, payment limits reached, merchant POS terminal registration repealed), BORICA shall return a code for refusing the payment;
  • Whether the payment has been successful or not, the system displays a message confirming the payment has been made or announcing that BOTICA has denied it.
  1. Fees and commissions
  • charges an annual fee of BGN 1.00 for each Debit Card and Subscriber's Number registered. The fee is collected automatically from the respective card account;
  • Municipal Bank AD charges a fee, in accordance with the Bank's Tariff, for each Internet transaction concluded via
  1. Please note
  • Municipal Bank AD is not a party under and does not monitor the legality of the payments via the Internet between the cardholders and the merchants in, and shall not be held responsible for damages or engaged in dispute resolution to have arisen out of these payments;
  • Municipal Bank AD is not a party under, and shall not be held responsible for damages or engaged in dispute resolution to have arisen in the relations of a merchant with the other participants;
  • Municipal Bank AD shall not be held responsible for the identification of the individual to have ordered and made the payment via the Internet;
  • Municipal Bank AD is not a party in the legal relations between the merchants in and Datamax, operator of the system, and Municipal Bank AD shall not accept claims for amounts transferred inaccurately or not transferred at these merchants' accounts as a result of the operator's wrong action or inaction.

Please refer to Municipal Bank AD's branches and offices for more information.