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02/93 00 181 - phone number for 24/7 contact with the bank's cardholders
02/93 00 181
phone number for 24/7 contact with the bank's cardholders
Exchange Rates
Buy Sell BNB
Fixed Rate
EUR 1.94620 1.96000 1.95583
USD 1.76727 1.84427 1.80644
CHF 2.00435 2.08435 2.04863
GBP 2.29414 2.37414 2.33490
All exchange rates

21.02.2025Scheduled Maintenance from 6:00 AM to 8:00 AM on 23.02.2025

Dear Customers,

We would like to inform you that due to scheduled technical maintenance from 6:00 AM to 8:00 AM on 23.02.2025, some of the Bank's services will be unavailable. This includes internet and mobile banking, the Bank's website, and ATMs.

Thank you for your understanding, and we apologize in advance for any inconvenience caused!



The Municipal Bank Team